
Illustration and Design blog from artist Femke Muntz

Portrait Sketches | Pastel Art | Portrait Practise Drawings

Hey guys! So I’ve taken some time to rethink my work because I would sit down and start drawing random people, animals, monsters… the usual. But I hadn’t found the one thing that would make me stand out as an artist. My work felt too random still so I wanted to think about what really excites me the most. And as I was thinking about all of this, I decided to sketch some portraits. And then it hit me! This is it. This is what I love to do most. Create these sullen wide-eyed girls. It felt like an entire new world opened up for me. Just to think about how many different kinds of wide-eyed people I could draw! And all of them in their own little world.

So I wanted to share the sketches I made while all of this happened. I love their different personalities and I think you can see their stories.

I’m so excited to start this new chapter in my art, and can’t wait to expand the world of wide-eyed people :)
